Thursday, May 6, 2010

Children's Mental Health Awareness Day

I regret to have been neglecting my blog, however I am have been busy in the world of neurotransmitters, trauma informed care and the war on drugs. I have been spending a lot of time learning about how one develops a propensity for addiction and how we can better intervene early in those at risk's lives to prevent the heartbreak and devastation of addiction.

Awareness of the brain workings as babies grow up into children and teenagers can help us better understand and work with our children. Not sure if you have heard of the phrase "trauma informed care". It is a fascinating new approach to working with children and adults who grew up with trauma. And it is no secret that a large percentage of addicts and alcoholics suffered harm in their formative years. Research is now supporting that during these years of brain development, trauma affects the brain more than we ever believed before.

I have decided to learn more about this so that I can implement better care to the families dealing with current and past trauma in my practice. So this summer I will start the process of becoming a certified trauma counselor. I am thankful that I have a love of learning. For me the brain is absolutely fascinating.

Have a great one!